Material React Table does not have a data exporting feature built in. However, you can easily integrate your own exporting feature, if desired.
In the example below, export-to-csv is connected to some export buttons in the top toolbar. If you need to export in Excel or PDF format, there are a variety of NPM packages that can be used to export in these formats.
Export to CSV Export to PDF More ExamplesOpen Code Sandbox
Drop to group by
Export All Data
Export All Rows
Export Page Rows
Export Selected Rows
First Name Rows per page This example is written for MRT V3.If your app is still using MRT V1, either Upgrade to MRT V3 or use the V1 Docs instead. (useMaterialReactTable only exists in V2 and V3)
1import2 MaterialReactTable,3 useMaterialReactTable,4 type MRT_Row,5 createMRTColumnHelper,6 > from 'material-react-table';7 import Box, Button > from '@mui/material';8 import FileDownloadIcon from '@mui/icons-material/FileDownload';9 import mkConfig, generateCsv, download > from 'export-to-csv'; //or use your library of choice here10 import data, type Person > from './makeData';1112 const columnHelper = createMRTColumnHelperPerson>();1314 const columns = [15 columnHelper.accessor('id',16 header: 'ID',17 size: 40,18 >),19 columnHelper.accessor('firstName',20 header: 'First Name',21 size: 120,22 >),23 columnHelper.accessor('lastName',24 header: 'Last Name',25 size: 120,26 >),27 columnHelper.accessor('company',28 header: 'Company',29 size: 300,30 >),31 columnHelper.accessor('city',32 header: 'City',33 >),34 columnHelper.accessor('country',35 header: 'Country',36 size: 220,37 >),38 ];3940 const csvConfig = mkConfig(41 fieldSeparator: ',',42 decimalSeparator: '.',43 useKeysAsHeaders: true,44 >);4546 const Example = () =>47 const handleExportRows = (rows: MRT_RowPerson>[]) =>48 const rowData = => row.original);49 const csv = generateCsv(csvConfig)(rowData);50 download(csvConfig)(csv);51 >;5253 const handleExportData = () =>54 const csv = generateCsv(csvConfig)(data);55 download(csvConfig)(csv);56 >;5758 const table = useMaterialReactTable(59 columns,60 data,61 enableRowSelection: true,62 columnFilterDisplayMode: 'popover',63 paginationDisplayMode: 'pages',64 positionToolbarAlertBanner: 'bottom',65 renderTopToolbarCustomActions: ( table >) => (66 Box67 sx=68 display: 'flex',69 gap: '16px',70 padding: '8px',71 flexWrap: 'wrap',72 >>73 >74 Button75 //export all data that is currently in the table (ignore pagination, sorting, filtering, etc.)76 onClick=handleExportData>77 startIcon=FileDownloadIcon />>78 >79 Export All Data80 Button>81 Button82 disabled=table.getPrePaginationRowModel().rows.length === 0>83 //export all rows, including from the next page, (still respects filtering and sorting)84 onClick=() =>85 handleExportRows(table.getPrePaginationRowModel().rows)86 >87 startIcon=FileDownloadIcon />>88 >89 Export All Rows90 Button>91 Button92 disabled=table.getRowModel().rows.length === 0>93 //export all rows as seen on the screen (respects pagination, sorting, filtering, etc.)94 onClick=() => handleExportRows(table.getRowModel().rows)>95 startIcon=FileDownloadIcon />>96 >97 Export Page Rows98 Button>99 Button100 disabled=101 !table.getIsSomeRowsSelected() && !table.getIsAllRowsSelected()102 >103 //only export selected rows104 onClick=() => handleExportRows(table.getSelectedRowModel().rows)>105 startIcon=FileDownloadIcon />>106 >107 Export Selected Rows108 Button>109 Box>110 ),111 >);112113 return MaterialReactTable table=table> />;114 >;115116 export default Example;117
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