Hr job required lifestyle changes

Change is never easy, but it’s the nature of the business space. Implementing change and developing long-term plans for that change is one of the most significant human resource challenges. Organizational change can be structural, economical, geographical, procedural, managerial, or technological.

No matter the type of change, HR teams face major issues in terms of reduced employee morale and satisfaction, self-doubt, and attrition while managing it. The inability to adapt to change could be due to employee resistance to change , lack of necessary skill and training to adapt to change, sudden but drastic requirements to change, etc.

The solution


The Complete Guide to Change Management for Enterprises

3. Reskilling and upskilling

Advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization are reshaping industries and job roles, leading to a demand for new skills that many employees may lack. There is often a gap between employees’ skills and those required for emerging roles, resulting in challenges in finding qualified talent internally or externally.

Cultivating a culture of continuous learning and skill development poses a challenge for organizations as employees resist change or lack the motivation to invest in their own development.

Upskilling efforts are designed to enhance an employee’s existing skills, increasing their proficiency and enabling them to take on more complex roles within their current domain. On the other hand, reskilling prepares employees for entirely new roles, equipping them with the skills needed to transition to different parts of the organization.

Upskilling and reskilling strategies will not only navigate the complexities of a shrinking hiring pool but also foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability within the organizations. Additionally, by focusing on internal talent development, organizations can enhance employee satisfaction and retention, creating a more motivated and committed workforce prepared to meet future challenges.

The solution


Upskilling Clicks With Digital Adoption Platforms

4. Balancing L&D without disrupting employee output

While HR teams can emphasize the importance of employee learning to develop new skills and competencies. Sadly, at the end of the day, employee productivity and output triumph over learning.

However, what if HR teams could embed learning into micro-interactions directly into employee workflows and tasks? This model is referred to as learning in the flow of work and is not only a way to keep productivity high – it is actually a more effective learning style.

The 70-20-10 Model for corporate L&D breaks down how employees learn, stating that employees acquire 70% of their knowledge from on-the-job experiences and hands-on learning, 20% from social learning and experiences with colleagues, and 10% from traditional, formal training and development programs.

For HR teams, this trend means designing learning systems embedded within the digital tools employees use daily and curating highly relevant and immediately applicable content. This strategy reduces downtime, accelerates productivity, and helps build a culture where continuous improvement is part of the everyday work experience. Thus, it enables organizations to adapt swiftly to industry changes and technological advancements.

The solution

Organizations can enable employees to maximize productivity, improve productivity, transfer knowledge, and support them at critical moments in their workflows with a digital adoption platform (DAP) like Whatfix.

With Whatfix, create in-app guidance that provides micro-nudges and supports employees’ daily tasks and processes with elements like Flows, Tours, Smart Tips, Task Lists, and more.


With Whatfix Self Help, connect your company’s knowledge repositories, help documentation, SOPs, policies, LMS modules, and training resources to an in-app resource center that provides employees with contextual answers to any work-related issue they encounter, at the moment of need.

Employees can search for any issue they’re facing or documentation they’re looking for with Self Help’s search function, and Self Help’s AI can provide contextual, conversational answers to any employee questions – all without leaving the application they’re using.

5. Building digital dexterity

The last decade has seen HR digital transformation scale across organizations as companies upgrade their legacy processes and systems to new cloud technologies. These new software applications help automate manual processes, drive innovation, and enable employee efficiency and productivity. The ability of your workforce to adopt these new software applications or technology designed to make them more efficient is called digital dexterity .

Although digital transformation isn’t the sole responsibility of a specific department– and neither is digital dexterity– the burden of creating application onboarding, reskilling, and upskilling training content and courses for building digital dexterity skills falls on the HR and L&D departments.

The solution

6. Managing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

Globalization is affecting every business in every part of the world. As organizations strive to create inclusive workplaces that embrace employees from diverse backgrounds, cultures, perspectives, and experiences, managing diversity emerges to be a critical HR challenge.

Beyond the social impact, employees want to work for companies that take a stance on DEIB issues. 80% of workers expect their CEO to take a public stand on discrimination. Not addressing the elephant in the room will lead to difficulties in attracting, engaging, and retaining talent. Therefore, we propose implementing a systemic diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) framework, which includes three core elements: implement inclusive practices, build a proactive HR voice, and take targeted action.

DEIB core elements

The solution Related Resources

7. Employee engagement

Employee engagement is an ongoing concern for HR professionals, as keeping employees engaged is critical to a business’s success. Gallup finds that quiet quitters make up at least 50% of the US workforce and quiet quitting aligns with poor employee engagement. When employees find their jobs challenging, engaging, and rewarding, they’re more likely to stick around and invest themselves in their work. On the other hand, disengaged employees who are dissatisfied with their roles and feel disconnected from their work can cause significant problems in the workplace. Not only do they underperform, but they also create friction for high performers.

The solution

8. Employee retention

An employee leaving to join another organization they feel is a better fit is not a pleasant scenario for any employer. While experts estimate that it costs 33% of an employee’s salary to replace them, in reality, it can cost 3x or even 4x the departing employee’s salary to hire a replacement. In addition, employee turnover often leads to a loss of institutional knowledge and can negatively impact a company’s culture.

Employee retention reflects the complexities of the modern workplace and the evolving expectations of the workforce. Addressing this challenge involves understanding its multifaceted nature and implementing comprehensive strategies tailored to the specific needs of the organization and its employees.

The solution

9. Leadership development

Organizations often overlook the need for training and grooming of the leadership. It’s a common misconception that leaders have reached a stage where they don’t require ongoing training. And even if they do, it can be achieved through self-learning.

However, the lack of leadership development results in employer-employee conflicts, disagreements in the workplace, an unhealthy work environment, and employees leaving due to poor relationships with their managers. This affects employee morale, satisfaction, and the organization’s goals; hence is a significant HR challenge.

The solution

10. Employee health and well-being

Employee health and safety standards are probably one of the more apparent human resource challenges. These concerts are not only governed by labor law, but they’re also crucial to general employee well-being.

The psychological well-being of your employees can deteriorate due to high demands, limited time, frustration, and burnout.

The solution

11. Employee onboarding

Employee onboarding presents a complex challenge for HR teams, primarily due to the need to effectively integrate new hires into the organizational culture in a manner that fosters engagement, productivity, and retention from day one. This task is made more intricate by the diverse backgrounds of new employees, the increasing prevalence of remote and hybrid work environments, and the rapid pace of technological change.

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12. New-hire training

New hire training faces the challenge of equipping a diverse and often geographically dispersed workforce with the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in an increasingly digital and fast-paced work environment. The rapid evolution of technology, the adoption of remote and hybrid work models, and the continuous need for upskilling in response to changing job requirements demand a flexible, engaging, and efficient approach to training new employees.

If the initial training is a disjointed or nonexistent effort, new employees will struggle to understand and perform their duties successfully – and you may even find yourself losing employees faster than you can hire them.

The solution

Above: In-app employee guidance created with the Whatfix Digital Adoption Platform

Whatfix’s DAP empowers organizations with a no-code editor to create in-app guided flows, onboarding tasklists, pop-ups, tooltips, alerts, reminders, self-help wikis, and more to enable employees to use software better. Enable your employees to become proficient in new applications faster, create interactive process documentation, guide users through process changes, assist employees through infrequent tasks, and provide self-help performance support on your CRM, ERP, HCM, or any desktop, web, or mobile application.


13. Balancing remote, hybrid, and in-office work

Balancing remote, hybrid, and in-office work arrangements is a significant HR challenge. Organizations strive to accommodate diverse employee preferences and operational requirements while maintaining productivity, collaboration, and a cohesive company culture.

​​As organizations continue to balance remote, hybrid, and in-office work environments, HR teams are recognizing the need to create robust well-being strategies for their employees that are adaptable to these varied settings.

This includes addressing physical health by ensuring that both home and office setups are ergonomically sound and support physical wellness. Mental and emotional health are also at the forefront, with programs aimed at reducing isolation for remote workers and managing the potential burnout associated with ‘always on’ digital cultures.

This balancing act involves navigating logistical complexities, technological demands, and the nuances of team dynamics across different working environments.

The solution

14. Employee experience

Employee experience is the aggregation of all interactions and observations an employee has throughout their journey. This includes experiences within their job role, work environment, and management.

Studies show that companies that invest in optimizing employee experience see:

While connecting employee experience with overall business success may seem straightforward, ensuring that personnel has consistently favorable experiences throughout their employee life cycle is no simple task. It requires ongoing monitoring and management for the HR teams to excel in these efforts.

As companies become more comfortable with digital tools, their technology stacks are grown to account for more complex analytics, communication channels, and project management.

Increasing digitization introduces new problems for HR departments and managers, including digital burnout, lower employee engagement, simplifying access to resources, ensuring system interoperability, and streamlining communication channels through user-friendly interfaces.

The solution

15. Data-driven decision-making

Data-driven decision-making in HR has become increasingly critical as organizations seek to leverage data analytics to inform their strategies on recruitment, employee engagement, retention, performance management, and other key areas of human resources. However, adopting a data-driven approach presents several challenges, necessitating sophisticated solutions to fully realize its potential.

The solution

16. Compensation and benefits

The challenge of designing and managing compensation and benefits packages that are competitive, equitable, and aligned with organizational goals is more complex than ever. This complexity is driven by evolving employee expectations, the need for flexibility in the face of a dynamic global economy, and the increasing diversity of the workforce. These packages must not only attract and retain top talent but also promote inclusivity and well-being, reflecting the values of a modern, socially conscious organization.

The solution

17. Leveraging AI for greater efficiency and productivity

A Conference Board survey of CHROs found that 61% plan to invest in AI to streamline HR processes in 2024.

As HR leaders implement more comprehensive GenAI governance frameworks, and as the perceived risks associated with the technology decrease, the use of GenAI tools within HRIS platforms is becoming more widespread. These tools are being employed to automate and improve a variety of functions, including the crafting of job descriptions, the creation of interview guides, the development of engagement surveys, the design of training courses, data analysis, and the formulation of organizational policies.

However, the integration of GenAI within HR operations is not without its challenges. Eser Rizaoglu, an analyst at Gartner’s HR research and advisory practice, noted that many HR tech vendors are still exploring how to maximize GenAI’s potential while ensuring data protection, effective governance, and adherence to ethical standards. This balance is crucial for the broader adoption of GenAI capabilities within HR, which remains a complex endeavor.

Moreover, a survey by Salesforce found 62% of workers lack the skills to effectively use GenAI. Another study by the Boston Consulting Group found only 14% of front-line employees had gone through any AI-related upskilling.

This skills gap highlights an urgent need for HR and L&D leaders to develop agile, responsive training programs for their workforce. Such programs would not only educate employees on how to use GenAI tools effectively but also ensure they are equipped to thrive in an increasingly AI-augmented workplace.

The solution

18. Fostering manager-employee relationships

The evolving workplace dynamics, including the rise of remote and hybrid work models, increased reliance on technology for communication, maintaining transparency in a digitally mediated work environment, and the growing diversity of the workforce, add layers of complexity to building and maintaining manager-employee relationships.

The solution

19. Compliance with laws and regulations

Compliance with laws and regulations is a significant HR challenge, as the legal landscape surrounding employment keeps to evolving rapidly. This challenge is exacerbated by the increasing complexity of global operations, where organizations must navigate a web of local, national, and international laws that govern employment practices, data protection, health and safety, and equity in the workplace. The dynamic nature of these regulations, combined with the potential for severe penalties in cases of non-compliance, places a considerable burden on HR departments to stay informed and ensure organizational compliance.

The solution

20. Redefining environmental, social, and governance (ESG) programs

An ESG program is a framework that helps companies deliver a community-driven or impact-driven purpose while minimizing the risk of unhappy employees or fostering a culture that doesn’t align with its workforce’s values or community needs. It inspires stakeholders and investors to believe in a company and its mission.

Fifty-three percent of employees want their companies to take action on the issues they care about. But in today’s bustling online communities and rapid social sharing, a company’s activities are more scrutinized than ever.

The solution

21. Negative PR from people-related policies

Employee experience has increasingly become public. From people being laid off, to companies like Zoom, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs ordering employees back to the office to employees sharing their onboarding package with the world, HR is a lot more in the public eye.

Stories about discontent with internal policies, layoffs, protests, etc., often make headlines without much consideration for the internal context and how it was communicated to employees. The way an organization is viewed by potential and current employees can significantly impact its brand as an employer.

The solution Elevate your employee engagement, efficiency, and productivity with Whatfix

A digital adoption platform (DAP) is your best bet to overcome major HR challenges, elevate employee experience, increase HR software adoption, improve employee productivity, and unlock the full potential of your workforce.

A DAP like Whatfix enables you to: