ALF/RCF Administrator Training Program

We are excited to sponsor this Oregon state-approved training program for assisted living and residential care administrators. And you don’t have to wait to get started!

The training program features learning opportunities designed to give you the flexibility that you desire, the opportunity to experience an assisted living/residential care facility “in action,” and the information you will need to successfully operate an Oregon ALF or RCF as an entry-level administrator.

The state-approved ALF/RCF Administrator Training Program includes the following components:

To Register for the online Oregon ALF/RCF Administrator Training Program and the two-day internship, Click Here.

If you are intere sted in becoming an ALF or RCF administrator in Oregon, we encourage you to review the State of Oregon ALF/RCF Administrator Qualifications and Requirements. Although any interested individual is welcome to take this course, it is important that you know ahead of time whether you currently meet the required qualifications or whether you have more work to do to prepare for this new career.

After reading the Qualifications and Requirements from the above link, should you have any questions about whether or not you have the appropriate credentials, please contact the State and ask for a credential review at: [email protected] or call Michael at 503-934-5009.

LeadingAge Oregon ALF/RCF Online Training Manual

LeadingAge Oregon Member Fee: $750
Non-Member Fee: $1100

Please note: ALF/RCF Training Program must be paid in full within 60 days of registration to avoid cancelation.

All ALF/RCF Administrators are required to be licensed as of January 1, 2022 . For more information about licensing, including staff contact information, see "How to apply for an assisted living/residential care facility administrator license" located on the Oregon Health Licensing Office website.

Questions? Call the LeadingAge Oregon office - 503-684-3788