Hospital rapid response team protocols

1. Use quotes to search for an exact match of a phrase.

Example: "communication between providers and nurses"

2. Put a minus sign just before words you don't want.

Example: "adverse events" -"drug"

3. Enter any important keywords in any order to find entries where all these terms appear.

Example: medication safety

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Implementing a rapid response team: a practical guide.

Citation Text:

Implementing a rapid response team: a practical guide. Garretson S; Dip HE; Rauzi MB.

Copy Citation Save to your library March 26, 2008 Garretson S; Dip HE; Rauzi MB.

This article discusses how one hospital implemented a rapid response team consisting of a hospitalist, advance practice nurse, and respiratory therapist. The process of educating staff, encouraging calls, and adjusting the team's roles and responsibilities was based on initial experiences.