
Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2024 .

To see the changes which were made, Click here.

For the previous requirements, Click here.

This Merit Badge is Required
to earn the Eagle Scout Rank

In the 2023 edition of Scouts BSA Requirements, the text of requirement 1d was duplicated as requirement 2d, In the 2024 edition the text of 2d were changed back, but the text of requirement 1d was also changed (in error) to duplicate requirement 2d. The correct text is shown below and can be seen in the Cooking merit badge pamphlet., and on by clicking on this link: Download Previous on

In the 2023 and 2024 Scouts BSA Requirements books, and on, Scoutbook, and the Cooking merit badge pamphlet, there is an apparent editorial error in the first sentence of requirement 6a.Since the requirement specifies planning for "one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one snack.", the instruction to "plan a meal for trail hiking . " should read "plan a menu for trail hiking . ".

  1. Health and Safety. Do the following:
    1. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in cooking activities and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards
    2. Show that you know first aid for and how to prevent injuries or illnesses that could occur while preparing meals and eating, including burns and scalds, cuts, choking, and allergic reactions.
    3. Describe how meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and fresh vegetables should be stored, transported, and properly prepared for cooking. Explain how to prevent cross-contamination.
    4. Discuss with your counselor food allergies, food intolerance, and food-related illnesses and diseases. Explain why someone who handles or prepares food needs to be aware of these concerns.
    5. Discuss with your counselor why reading food labels is important. Explain how to identify common allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, and shellfish.
    1. Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, give five examples for EACH of the following food groups, the recommended number of daily servings, and the recommended serving size:
      1. Fruits
      2. Vegetables
      3. Grains
      4. Proteins
      5. Dairy
      1. Discuss EACH of the following cooking methods. For each one, describe the equipment needed, how temperature control is maintained, and name at least one food that can be cooked using that method: baking, boiling, broiling, pan frying, simmering, steaming, microwaving, grilling, foil cooking, and use of a Dutch oven.
      2. Discuss the benefits of using a camp stove on an outing vs. a charcoal or wood fire.
      3. Describe with your counselor how to manage your time when preparing a meal so components for each course are ready to serve at the same time.
      Note: The meals prepared for Cooking merit badge requirements 4, 5, and 6 will count only toward fulfilling those requirements and will not count toward rank advancement or other merit badges. Meals prepared for rank advancement or other merit badges may not count toward the Cooking merit badge.
      You must not repeat any menus for meals actually prepared or cooked in requirements 4, 5, and 6.
      1. Find recipes for each meal. Create a shopping list for your meals showing the amount of food needed to prepare for the number of people you will serve. Determine the cost for each meal.
      2. Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor.
      3. Using at least five of the 10 cooking methods from requirement 3, prepare and serve yourself and at least one adult (parent, family member, guardian, or other responsible adult) one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one dessert from the meals you planned. *
      4. Time your cooking to have each meal ready to serve at the proper time. Have an adult verify the preparation of the meal to your counselor.
      5. After each meal, ask a person you served to evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how better planning and preparation help ensure a successful meal.
      1. Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan a menu that includes four meals, one snack, and one dessert for your patrol (or a similar size group of up to eight youth, including you) on a camping trip. Your menus should include enough food for each person, keeping in mind any special needs (such as food allergies) and how you keep your foods safe and free from cross-contamination. These four meals must include two breakfasts, one lunch, and one dinner. Additionally, you must plan one snack and one dessert. List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals.
      2. Find or create recipes for the four meals, the snack, and the dessert you have planned. Adjust menu items in the recipes for the number to be served. Create a shopping list and budget to determine the per-person cost.
      3. Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor.
      4. In the outdoors, using your menu plans and recipes for this requirement, cook three of the five meals you planned using either a camp stove OR backpack stove. Use a skillet over campfire coals OR a Dutch oven for a fourth meal, and cook the fifth meal in a foil pack OR on a skewer. Serve all of these meals to your patrol or a group of youth.**
      5. In the outdoors, prepare a dessert OR a snack and serve it to your patrol or a group of youth.**
      6. After each meal, have those you served evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, and then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how planning and preparation help ensure successful outdoor cooking.
      7. Lead the clean-up of equipment, utensils, and the cooking site thoroughly after each meal. Properly store or dispose unused ingredients, leftover food, dishwater and garbage.
      8. Discuss how you followed the Outdoor Code and no-trace principles when preparing your meals.
      1. Using the MyPlate food guide or the current USDA nutrition model, plan a meal for trail hiking or backpacking that includes one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, and one snack. These meals must consider weight, not require refrigeration and are to be consumed by three to five people (including you). List the equipment and utensils needed to prepare and serve these meals.
      2. Create a shopping list for your meals, showing the amount of food needed to prepare and serve each meal, and the cost for each meal.
      3. Share and discuss your meal plan and shopping list with your counselor. Your plan must include how to repackage foods for your hike or backpacking trip to eliminate as much bulk, weight, and garbage as possible.
      4. While on a trail hike or backpacking trip, prepare and serve two meals and a snack from the menu planned for this requirement. At least one of those meals must be cooked over a fire, or an approved trail stove (with proper supervision).**
      5. After each meal, have those you served evaluate the meal on presentation and taste, then evaluate your own meal. Discuss what you learned with your counselor, including any adjustments that could have improved or enhanced your meals. Tell how planning and preparation help ensure successful trail hiking or backpacking meals.
      6. Explain to your counselor how you should divide the food and cooking supplies among the patrol in order to share the load. Discuss how to properly clean the cooking area and store your food to protect it from animals.

      *The meals for requirement 4 may be prepared on different days, and they need not be prepared consecutively. The requirement calls for Scouts to plan, prepare, and serve one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner to at least one adult; those served need not be the same for all meals.

      **Where local regulations do not allow you to build a fire, the counselor may adjust the requirement to meet the law. The meals in requirements 5 and 6 may be prepared for different trips and need not be prepared consecutively. Scouts working on this badge in summer camp should take into consideration foods that can be obtained at the camp commissary.

      BSA Advancement ID#: 38
      Scoutbook ID#: 33
      Requirements last updated in: 2024
      Pamphlet Publication Number: 35879
      Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number:
      E-Book Stock (SKU) Number:
      Pamphlet Copyright Date:

      Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
      Word Format PDF Format

      Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

      Page updated on: February 23, 2024

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