Stockholm Agreement

The Stockholm Agreement is an accord between the parties to the conflict in Yemen. It was agreed in Sweden on 13 December 2018 and it has three main components:

  1. The Hudaydah Agreement
  2. A Prisoner Exchange Agreement
  3. The Taïz Agreement

The Security Council endorsed the Stockholm Agreement under resolution 2451 (2018).

Full text of the Stockholm Agreement:

The Parties,

After holding consultations under the auspices of the United Nations from 6-13 December 2018 in the Kingdom of Sweden,

Expressing their gratitude to the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden for hosting the consultations and for the hospitality and support they provided throughout,

Expressing their gratitude also to all states and organizations that have provided the support necessary for the consultations to succeed,

Considering the urgent need to address the dire humanitarian situation and insecure conditions faced by the Yemeni people,

The parties reached an agreement on the following:

1- An agreement on the city of Hodeidah and the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa.

2- An executive mechanism on activating the prisoner exchange agreement.

3- A statement of understanding on Taïz.

We shall be committed,

- To fully implement this Agreement and to work towards the removal of any obstructions or impediments to its implementation.

- To refrain from any action, escalation or decisions that would undermine the prospects for full implementation of this Agreement.

- To continue the consultations unconditionally in January 2019 in a location to be agreed upon by the parties.

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